Naomi Swann, Tempted – Foot Stalker TemptedTempted is settling down for the night after a long day at work. She is on the phone with her boyfriend and he warns her about the Foot Stalker who seems to be out on the prowl again after a hiatus. She insists that her doors are locked and falls asleep. Tempted is not so worried about some Foot Stalker, she is not even convinced that she is real. Well shortly after falling asleep, the Foot Stalker makes an appearance. Tempted is deeply asleep and Naomi gets on top of her and smells her socks, they smell amazing and The Foot Stalker knows she has come to right house. Naomi does her thing and when she has had her fill, she leaves Tempted’s soles soaked. Tempted wakes up and realizes that she is the latest victim of the Foot stalker.
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