Description: Bailey is a neighbor of Tony, and lives a couple doors down from him. He just moved recently and we were helping him move stuff in one day, and she just happened to knock on the door to say hi. She goes to the local arts college and was interested in all the camera equipment we were carrying in. We convinced her to do a tryout on camera, telling her that we could possibly hire her for an internship later on. It seemed like she would believe anything we told her, so we convinced her to go for it and do a 2-guy creampie video. She said she had always fantasized about doing an adult video and has watched internet porn for years. She is 20 years old and originally from Northern California, moved to L.A. to go to school and be with a former boyfriend. She enjoys having cum inside her, so our offer was very exciting for her. We told her that eventually, we would teach her how to use the video equipment too to help her in a film class she has, but that being in front of the camera would give her more appreciation for how to use the equipment.
Type: Movie Clip
Content: Amateur, Creampie, Gang Bang, Orgy, Group
File Type: Wmv
Size: 195 MB
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FileSonic: Squad – Bailey
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Netload: Squad – Bailey