Laney is a cute petite college girl from San Diego I met a while back ago. One of her friends is actually a subscriber to the site and he actually put me in touch with her. At first, I thought it was going to be a long shot since he had just given me her FB information. But she was open to it when I first sent her a message and said she was fascinated about how these videos go. So I arranged for us to meet immediately and drove down to San Diego right away. At first Laney was somewhat nervous (understandably) but she started to loosen up at bit after hanging out. She felt self conscious because of the number of beautiful girls on the site but I told her she was equally hot and that was why I had driven 120 miles to see her. So she felt good about that and we went back to the hotel where I was staying. Once there, I started with the usual pictures but before I could finish the set I couldn’t help myself but put my cock inside her tight pussy. I was very turned on and she already knew I was going to unload inside her so that made it even hotter for me.
Type: Movie Clip
Content: Amateur, Creampie, Hardcore, Oral
File Type: Wmv
Size: 354 MB
Time: 00:19:53
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